Colorado Bingo-Raffle Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting details

Date: December 11, 2013

Location: Secretary of State’s Office, Blue Spruce Conference Room, 1700 Broadway, Denver, CO

Board members present:  Donivon Glassburn, Dan Gincig, Tom Bednark, Meredith Edwards

Secretary of State officials present:  Scott Gessler, Mike Hardin, Greg Lestikow, Shannon Bee, Carla Hoke, Gary Zimmerman, Lisa Marty

The meeting was called to order at 10:02 AM.

The pledge of allegiance was conducted. 

As there was no quorum the approval of the minutes for September and November will be moved to the next meeting.

Doni asked for the phone numbers of the board members so he can contact those missing and remind via phone calls of future meetings.

Financial report

Greg Lestikow pointed out that in 2013 we have more licensed groups than in past years.  There was a decline in licensees in 2012 but the current number has surpassed that of 2010 and 2011.  This trend appears to be mainly toward raffle licenses.

The net profit has remained constant at 19% and from the trend analysis, presented at the last meeting, it is anticipated to remain the same through the end of 2013.

Progressive raffles:

  • The e-training for progressive raffles and the new laws will be available as of 1/1/2014.
  • The games manager manual is under revision
  • The quarterly forms and progressive pages are also ready, both printed and online.

Marketing toolkit

As an offshoot of the Runge study, the bingo/raffle division is working with an organization to help generate ideas to help licensees.  The marketing toolkit will consist of research to see what successful groups do. 

The process is currently underway with interviews of approximately 12 successful groups.  The next step will be to see what struggling groups face and then putting together a format of ideas, online and printed, to help licensees with ideas to make their activities more successful.  By interviewing successful groups, what works can be shared with others.

Greg indicated the toolkit should be complete by the state’s fiscal year end (6/31/2014) but is anticipated to be completed sooner, perhaps as early as mid-May.

Gary Zimmerman from the Secretary of State’s office mentioned some of the previous campaigns and rebrands the Narrator Group has been successful with in the past.

Doni mentioned besides interviewing licensees it would be good to interview landlords.  Doni also mentioned a text blast process used by organizations in North Carolina to advise players of progressive payouts. 

Dan Gincig mentioned that previously the board was provided with a list of the top 50 or 60 licensees.  This information was beneficial to see who was successful to find out what they were doing.  Greg will look into this.

Licensing reminder

Shannon Bee reported that we have approximately 300 groups who have renewed their license for 2014.  We usually have 700 to 900 licensees by the deadline of January 1st.  It is anticipated and usual to see 150 licensees file applications the last week of December.

Doni asked if landlords could be fined for allowing licensees to play without a license.  Greg indicated that it is a gray area, but it has been determined that landlords will not be fined.

Secretary Gessler

Secretary Gessler attended the meeting to address the challenges and struggles faced by the industry when he took office.  The office has tried to be both a partner with the industry while still continuing to exercise its regulatory functions. Some of the efforts taken by the office in this partnership role have included the Runge study, the currently in process toolkit and the temporary reduction in fees allowing licensees and the Secretary of State’s office to see the fruits of these efforts.  Going forward the office agenda is to make the laws easier to understand and comply with; as well as to streamline reporting with e-filing.  The service and ideas of the board were also acknowledged.

Miscellaneous items

  • Number of players- the number of players is listed on the financial report provided by the SOS office. 
  • Auto Daubers- under current statute not allowable
  • Progressive price change/scaling- are not allowed under current laws and was not considered as a topic the Board would want to research further.
  • Multiple checks- there is nothing stating a group cannot write multiple checks for progressive payouts as long as the checks are documented on Schedule A.  The group can cash the checks.
  • Coupons- halls can offer coupons but must reimburse the licensee.  Will have more clarification at the next meeting.

2014 Legislation

Carla Hoke, the legal representative for the Secretary of State’s office, has worked on a table to breakout the potential legislative changes to bingo/raffle in the next year.  The changes will breakout Law #12-9-107 to be more defined rather than an amalgamation of all activities.  The changes will also include food for volunteers and progressive bank accounts.  It is the Secretary of State’s opinion that these changes are popular issues and will be successful combined under one bill. 

The Secretary of State’s office is working with potential sponsors for this bill.  The bill is near completion and copies will be sent to the board soon.

New technology pilots is current being addressed. 

Board business

With two individuals having missed two meetings and one potentially no longer meeting the requirements, Doni will contact these individuals to see if they wish to terminate their positions.  There was discussion as to how this process would work, it was determined they will need to be terminated by the appointing officer.

Doni believes he has a candidate for the currently open supplier position.

Homework items for Secretary of State

  • Share draft legislative language as soon as it is prepared
  • Prepare one-pager on progressive raffles
  • Prepare list of successful licensees and revenue
    • The Secretary of State will prepare this list on a quarterly basis to be posted on the office’s website for public consumption
    • Send Board member telephone numbers to Board chair


The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 AM.

Next meeting:  February 12, 2014.