Colorado Bingo-Raffle Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting details

Date:  February 8, 2012

Location: Secretary of State’s Office, Blue Spruce Conference Room, 1700 Broadway, Denver, Colorado

Members Present: Bishop Dan Gincig, Beau Williams, Vera Craven, Tom Bednark

Members Absent: Austin Gomes

Secretary of State Officials Present: Mike Hardin, Sarah Steinbeck, Rudy Johnson, Patrick Ryan, Shannon Bee, Lisa Marty

Meeting was called to order at 10:02 A.M. 

The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted.

A motion was made by Beau Williams to approve the October 19, 2011 meeting minutes as presented.  The motion was seconded by Vera Craven and approved by unanimous vote of the Board.

Secretary of State report

Rudy Johnson reviewed the financial statements distributed to the Board.  On the reports it was pointed out that 2011 net profits increased from previous years, but we were not sure why.  Chairman Gincig theorized that profits were up due to an increased use of electronics in bingo.  He also felt some of the money shifted from pulltabs to bingo activities.  Mr. Bednark agreed with this observation.  An audience member stated that from the reports, it appears the increase is due to a significant increase in raffle profits.  Mr. Hardin stated that the reports show a 10% increase in profit from raffles activities from the previous year.

Board report

Chairman Gincig reported that there is proposed legislation for Bingo/Raffles and they are currently looking for a sponsor.  The main issues in the proposed bill include the authorization of the 24 number game in Colorado and an increase in the number of faces allowed on the electronic aide.  Corky Kyle stated that they are looking at some potential sponsors and he may get the legislation introduced under late bill status.  The finalized form of the bill has not yet been submitted to the Secretary of State’s office.  The bill is currently still in draft format, but should be finalized within the next two weeks. 

The next topic of discussion was the open Board positions.  Chairman Gincig reported that there were several applications and resumes submitted to the legislature, some dating back 2 years, with no response.  Chairman Gincig stated he would like to ask the Secretary of State’s office to help get these through.  Mr. Hardin responded that our office has spoken with both the offices of the Speaker of the House and President of the Senate to remind them of their responsibilities in this area.  In checking, the last application was submitted over a year ago, so Mr. Hardin suggested everyone re-apply, and inform our office when these applications have been submitted. We can then follow up with the legislature. 

Mr. Williams presented a discussion on the legitimacy of “daily draws” in posts.  The posts feel that these are raffles and fall under the jurisdiction of the Bingo/Raffle Statutes, and not under the Division of Liquor Enforcement.  Chairman Gincig said it was previously discussed that if these games had been reported on the quarterlies they would have been covered by the Bingo/Raffle License.  Wayne Thompson, on behalf of VFW 5061, stated that this post had been conducting this type of game and that liquor enforcement deemed it an illegal drawing.  The VFW took the stance that it was not illegal, that it was social gambling.  To date, there has not been a decision on the hearing.

Open discussion

Mr. Hardin reported that the University of Denver (Enterprise Solutions) is willing to help our office conduct research on the bingo/raffle industry.  He requested the Board members report their ideas on areas of potential study, and that these be sent to himself, Sarah or Rudy on or before mid-March. 

The office has also moved forward with e-learning training for games managers.  Mr. Johnson stated that our office is working on an on-line training where the applicant can take and submit the test for becoming a games manager. 

Mr. Johnson also reported that our office is looking into groups who have multiple losing quarters.  When a group submits the quarterly and continually shows negative profit for their organization’s charitable purposes our office tries to contact that organization to see how they may rectify the situation, or if they are even aware this is occurring. 

Mr. Bednark moved to adjourn the meeting.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Craven and approved by the Board.


Meeting adjourned at 11:23 A.M.

The next meeting of the Board will be April 11, 2012 at 10:00 at Secretary of State’s Office, Blue Spruce Conference Room, 1700 Broadway, Denver, Colorado.