Colorado Bingo-Raffle Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting details

Date: October 19, 2011

Location: Secretary of State’s Office, Blue Spruce Conference Room, 1700 Broadway, Denver, Colorado

Members Present: Bishop Dan Gincig, Beau Williams, Austin Gomes

Members Absent: Jeanne McEvoy, John Smith, Nick Pizzuti, Vera Craven, Tom Bednark

Secretary of State Officials Present: Mike Hardin, Sarah Steinbeck, Rudy Johnson, Patrick Ryan, Shannon Bee

Meeting was called to order at 10:04 A.M. 

The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted.

A motion was made by Austin Gomes to approve the August 10, 2011 meeting minutes as presented.  The motion was seconded by Beau Williams and approved by unanimous vote of the Board.

Secretary of State report

Mike Hardin reported on issues presented at the previous Board meeting.  First, he reported that the Secretary of State’s office is now sending out e-mail notices to current bingo-raffle licensees through the Gov-delivery system.  This system could also be used to send out other Board information.

Second, Mr. Hardin commented on the $5,000 limit not being included in the recent rules adoption.  Our office received a request to consider the new limit back in April 2010, but the issue was not re-introduced in any of the recently passed rules.  The reason this issue was not put into the recent rules is likely due to the gap in time between the request and when the rules were opened up a year later.

Third, the issue concerning bingo fee increases and where the money is going was addressed.  Mr. Hardin provided an outline of where funds were/are being used.  The increase in fees was partially for IT improvements and partially to cover the operating costs of the bingo-raffles program within the office. 

Fourth, Mr. Hardin stated that if the bingo community wishes to go from a 36 to 54 face maximum on machines this year, they may want to consider going forward with legislation to make that change.

Mr. Hardin discussed the responsibilities of the Board as defined by the legislature.  One of the main functions of the Board is to analyze and show trends within the bingo industry.  It has been discussed, however, that the Board does not have the resources to do these analyses.   The Secretary of State’s office has looked at enlisting resources at Harvard and DU to do these types of analyses.  The Board was also provided a handbook to review which enumerates the Board’s responsibilities and obligations. 

Sarah Steinbeck pointed out that the Secretary of State’s office is trying to also improve the relations with the Board and the Legislative Council to try to get Board membership back in sync with legislative directives. 

Mr. Williams asked that as we go forward, the Secretary of State’s office needs to remember that the Board is trying to be productive by taking the comments from all their constituents and relaying them to the Secretary of States office and also taking back the comments from the Secretary of State’s office to these same constituents and relaying it in a manner that makes sense to them.  He also felt the lack of attendance of Board members is due to the fact that the Board is viewed as ineffective.

Chairman Gincig wanted to point out that over the years the Board and the Secretary of State’s office have worked together to make significant positive changes from a legislative and rules point of view. 

Chairman Gincig next spoke to Board resignations/removals.  Nick Pizzuti had submitted a resignation letter and John Smith was removed by decision of the Board at the last meeting.  Both of these items were sent to the legislature, but nothing was further acted upon.  Also, requests and applications for new Board members have been submitted to the legislature, but nothing has happened.  Chairman Gincig requested the aid of the Secretary of State’s office to get the legislature to take action on these items.   Also, Chairman Gincig felt Jeannie McEvoy needed to be removed from the Board roster as she submitted a resignation letter to Rudy.  He stated he would provide Mr. Pizzuti’s letter to our office.  Mr. Smith was removed from the Board at the last meeting due to attendance issues.  Chairman Gincig stated there were a couple of applications submitted to the legislature for new appointments.

Chairman Gincig wanted to comment on the financial report provided by the Secretary of State’s office on the decline in the number of groups reporting bingo activity.  In his opinion there were two issues causing this trend.  The first was due to the poor economic condition, and the second was due to the lack of volunteers willing to help at bingo.  Chairman Gincig stated we need to find a way to cut down on the number of volunteers necessary to help at bingo.  Mr. Gomes felt that if an organization’s volunteers are not interested in supporting their organization, then the organization should quit doing bingo.

Chairman Gincig provided a copy of the new proposed legislation that will go forward once sponsors are found.  This new legislation would allow and define the 24 number game and would also allow a 54 face maximum on electronics.  He stated that the $5,000 limit increase for 24 number and shared jackpots would also be included.   

Mr. Gomes moved to adjourn the meeting.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Williams and approved by the Board.


Meeting adjourned at 11:05 A.M.

The next meeting of the Board will be January 11, 2012 at 10:00 at the Secretary of State’s Office, Blue Spruce Conference Room, 1700 Broadway, Denver, Colorado.