Colorado Bingo-Raffle Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting details

Date:  April 13, 2011

Location: Secretary of State’s Office, Blue Spruce Conference Room, 1700 Broadway, Denver, Colorado

Members Present: Bishop Dan Gincig, Beau Williams, Austin Gomes, Nick Pizzuti, Vera Craven

Members Absent: Jeanne McEvoy, John Smith, Tom Bednark

Secretary of State Officials Present: Rudy Johnson, Patrick Ryan, Shannon Bee, Tom Downey

Meeting was called to order at 10:00 A.M. 

The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted.

A motion was made by Austin Gomes to approve the February 9, 2011 meeting minutes as presented.  The motion was seconded by Vera Craven and approved by unanimous vote of the Board.

Secretary of State report

Chairman Gincig stated that in reviewing the provided financial reports from the Secretary of State’s office, it can be seen that Bingo and Pulltabs are down from 2009 in 2010.

Mr. Gomes made a motion that the Secretary of State’s office go forward as quickly as possible with the proposed Rules which are agreed upon by the Board.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Craven and approved by vote of the Board.

Mr. Downey stated that he would take the Board’s rule making request to the Secretary of State as quickly as possible.

Chairman Gincig also requested the Secretary of State’s office go forward with trying to e-mail all licensees about future Board Meetings.  Mr. Downey stated that the request would be made, but whether it is implemented is dependent upon budgetary constraints.

Proposed rule discussion

The below Proposed Rule sections were discussed as follows:

2(A) There were no questions from the Board and they were in favor of this change.

2(G) There were no questions from the Board and they were in favor of this change.

2(J)  There were no questions from the Board and they were in favor of this change.  Mr. Johnson stated he had some issues with the electronic board becoming the master board due to past malfunction issues.

2(K) There were no questions from the Board and they were in favor of this change.

2(M) Chairman Gincig felt that the language “non-progressive bingo game”  should be removed from this proposed rule.  Mr. Amen and Mr. Johnson suggesting that it should be left in the proposed rule.  Mike Shea stated that there are already rules for progressive games, this change just codifies what is already in practice and allowed.

2(N) Mr. Johnson stated he has an issue with this change in regard to the confidence of the players with pre-called balls.  Chairman Gincig pointed out that for 24 number bingo games, ten players may not be available at any one time.  Mr. Johnson said he would be more confident if the one player present was only with random number generated numbers, not with live callers.  Mr. Amen suggested that the 10 player requirement could be left with an exception allowed for 24 number games.

2(Q) Mr. Shea stated that this is only a correction to the language.

2(T) There were no questions from the Board and they were in favor of this change.

2(X) Mr. Johnson stated the wording here gives the impression that the 24 number game could be played on paper, also.  Mr. Amen said the 24 number game could be played on paper with concealed face cards.  Mr. Williams asked if the call speed on balls could be variable on the 24 number game?  Mr. Amen stated that the speed of call is adjustable.  The Board had no further questions concerning this change. 

4(A)(2)(a) There were no questions from the board and they were in favor of this change.

4(A)(2)(c) Mr. Shea will modify this rule to say “in the play area” or similar language.

4(A)(4)(h) Mr. Johnson questioned whether the players will have notice when the session is about to close?  Chairman Gincig said there would be an announcement to players who where still playing that the game was about to end.  Mr. Amen stated that if the new $5,000 limit is set, the machines should be programmed in such a way that the limits are not exceeded.

4(A)(9) Mr. Williams had a concern with the possibility of being able to manipulate with the 24 number bingo.  Chairman Gincig felt the game would really regulate itself.

7(B)(2) Mr. Amen felt need for the concept of simultaneous play in this proposed rule.  Chairman Gincig felt this could be added.

10(A)(1) Chairman Gincig stated this change was done to allow for all day play on the 24 number and pari-mutuel games, which is also addressed in Rule 10(A)(2).  Mr. Williams asked since the proposed limit is being changed to $5,000, why not go for $10,000?  Mr. Johnson commented that when progressives were unlimited, there were major problems, so it would be better to set the limit lower for now. 

15(D) Gincig commented that testing would need to be done for these to be allowed.  Mr. Pizzuti asked that the Board be invited to attend any testing which is conducted.

Mr. Johnson commented that if at any time changes are considered to the statute, the 35 face limit in the definitions needs should be changed so it can be set by rule. 


Mr. Gomes moved to adjourn the meeting.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Craven and approved by the Board.

Meeting adjourned at 11:13 A.M.

The next meeting of the Board will be June 8, 2011 at 10:00 at Secretary of State’s Office, Blue Spruce Conference Room, 1700 Broadway, Denver, Colorado.