Colorado Bingo-Raffle Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting details

Date: March 11, 2009

Location: Secretary of State’s Office, Blue Spruce Conference Room, 1700 Broadway, Denver, Colorado

Members Present: Bishop Dan Gincig, David Esses, Austin Gomes, Nick Pizzuti, Daniel Toussaint

Members Absent: Tom Bednark

Secretary of State Officials Present: Rudy Johnson, Mike Shea, Andrew Whitfield, Patrick Ryan, Shannon Bee

Meeting was called to order at 10:00 A.M.

The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted.

A motion was made by Mr. Gomes to approve the January 14, 2009 meeting minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Nick Pizzuti and approved by unanimous vote of the Board.

Secretary of State report

Mike Shea gave the report from the Secretary of State’s office on the financial data for bingo and raffles from 2003 through 2008. He reported that the trend seems to show the decline is leveling out. Net profits are going up per bingo occasion. Pulltab gross also seems to be leveling out also. The number of total players and occasions is still declining.

Mr. Shea also followed up on the sunset report that he spoke about at the last meeting. The Secretary of State has brought up the issue of moving the Bingo and Raffles section to the Department of Revenue. It is possible that this could be put on this year’s ballot as a referred measure. If it does not go on this year’s ballot it will go on the ballot in 2010. Representative Lambert has submitted the language for a referred measure for this year.

Public forum

Chairman Gincig introduced the presentation on the new proposed electronic bingo game. He stated that he wanted to see if there was an interest from groups and players to determine if the Board wanted to go further with trying to introduce the game to the bingo community and amend the rules so the game would be allowed. He felt the machines would be beneficial to fraternal organizations especially and other small organizations which are too small to conduct regular bingo games. James VonFeldt, of the Colorado Licensed Beverage Association, said that any time his group wanted to do some type of electronic game they had problems with the casinos. He said this same issue could arise with this new type of electronic bingo game. Gametech next made a presentation of the electronic game to the Board and audience present.

It was brought up that there would have to be rule changes to allow this game. It was also determined that the rules may have to be changed as to how many games are allowed per year as this game would have to be conducted as a completely separate bingo session and groups may go over their allowed limit if this new game is allowed.

Mr. VonFeldt, after seeing the game, felt that the game’s product and idea is good, but he still thought it will cause a conflict with the casinos. He said he loved the game and would do it because he did not need a lot of volunteers to run the game. He felt the only way to find out if it works was to try it out.

David Esses asked how much the system would cost. Mr. Amen said groups would be charged by the card just like with paper. Annie Dozoritz, of Bingodocs, asked if this new system would take up space in the halls which would usually be used for bingo players. Chairman Gincig said it would be up to the hall owner to make space for the system but still allow for regular players. Mr. Esses felt that the Board should create a subcommittee to find out why these machines failed in Wyoming so that everyone could make an informed decision on whether the Board would want them in our state.

Chairman Gincig announced that the position for “Supplier” on the Board was now open. Don Kuzina who held this position previously was no longer involved in bingo. The Chairman also stated that John Smith was putting in his paperwork to become a Board member representing Suppliers.

A motion was made by Mr. Esses to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Gomes and approved by unanimous decision of the Board.


Meeting adjourned at 11:25 A.M.

The next meeting of the Board will be May 13, 2009 at 10:00 at Secretary of State’s Office, Aspen Conference Room, 1700 Broadway, Denver, Colorado.