Colorado Bingo-Raffle Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting details

Date: July 25, 2007

Location: Secretary of State’s Office, Blue Spruce Conference Room, 1700 Broadway, Denver, Colorado

Members Present: Austin Gomes, Don Kuzina, Dan Gincig, Daniel Toussaint

Members Absent: David Esses, Julia Eddy, Nick Pizzuti

Secretary of State Officials Present: Andrew Whitfield, Rudy Johnson, Larry Runn, Patrick Ryan, Norm Adams, Shannon Bee

Meeting was called to order at 10:00 A.M.

The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted.

Secretary of State report

Andrew Whitfield presented the handouts from the office. He commented first on the “Regular Bingo and Progressive Games Report”. The chart shows that there have been declines in the net profits, as well as declines in the number of games and the number of players from the 1st quarter 2004 to the 1st quarter of 2007. Mr. Whitfield did point out, though, that there was an increase in the net profit before administrative fees, since 2004.

The next report was “Bingo Revenues” 2004-2007, 1st quarter only. From this report it can be seen that bingo numbers are declining. It was also shown in the tables handed out that progressives represent about 20% of bingo profits.

Austin Gomes made a motion to accept the 4/11/07 minutes as presented. The motion was seconded and approved by unanimous vote.

Dan Gincig wanted to report on potential Board Members. He stated that the “Fraternal” seat is being applied for by John Amen. Tom Bednark is applying for the “Charitable” position and John Galvin for the Veterans. The Citizen position still needs to be filled and Chairman Gincig asked if the applicant could be someone who has a close relative associated with bingo? Mr. Whitfield and Mr. Amen reviewed the law and felt the applicant must be totally uninvolved with bingo, but close relatives or association with someone involved would not matter.

Open forum

Chairman Gincig commented that his halls are doing well and that attendance has increased from last year. Generally, most of his groups are also doing well.

Comments from the Board

Don Kuzina asked if anyone thought the National Bingo Night helped bingo in any way? He knew a lot of involvement occurred with the program as his company was involved with the software which was used for the program. He felt the national exposure could only help bingo.

Mr. Gomes commented that his attendance has improved considerably as it has not dropped off during the summer at all. He attributes this to his group not using electronics. Also, a lot of his new players are around 18 years old, so there are young, new players coming.

Chairman Gincig proposed a potential idea to have a meeting to discuss changing rules (such as to increase the number of packs that can be used on electronics and how much can be given away at promotions) at the next meeting.

Mr. Kuzina asked if anyone had a feel for how the ban on smoking at the casinos would impact bingo? He hoped more players would be seen back at the halls after the ban goes into effect. Daniel Toussaint and Mr. Gomes both said they have already seen their customers come back. Mr. Toussaint said some of their players who left due to the original no smoking ban returned not long after and actually liked it better that there was no smoking allowed in the hall.

Chairman Gincig asked if there was any more news on the random number generators and if they would be allowed? Rudy Johnson said he still has not had any new information. Mr. Kuzina stated that he felt it was a dead issue, especially for his company, as it would be too cost prohibitive to comply with the restrictions.

Chairman Gincig announced the next Board meeting will be September 12, 2007.

Mr. Gomes moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kuzina and approved by the Board.

Meeting adjourned at 10:30 A.M.