Colorado Bingo-Raffle Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting details

Date: April 11, 2007

Location: Secretary of State’s Office, Blue Spruce Conference Room, 1700 Broadway, Denver, Colorado

Members Present: Austin Gomes, Don Kuzina, David Esses, Julia Eddy, Dan Gincig, Nick Pizzuti

Members Absent: Daniel Toussaint

Secretary of State Officials Present: Mike Shea, Andrew Whitfield, Rudy Johnson, Shannon Bee

Meeting was called to order at 10:04 A.M.

The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted.

Secretary of State report

Mike Shea stated that SB-135 is still up for hearing on the floor of the Senate.

April 27th will be Mike Shea’s last day in the office. He introduced Andrew Whitfield, who will be doing administrative duties for the Division in Mike’s absence.

Dan Gincig wanted to describe what SB-135 would do. He stated it would allow the Secretary of State’s office to collect a fee for advertising. The Board and others would decide what the advertising would be and then the State would pay for this advertising. The fee is paid by groups in commercial bingo halls, the hall owners, manufacturers and suppliers. The fee will be between $5-10 per group per session maximum. If this would bring in an extra five people to a session it would profit the group by about $150. Chairman Gincig also stated that Rudy Johnson had asked that some language be provided for the rules for SB-135 from the Board. Chairman Gincig asked John Amen if he would provide some preliminary language for the rules to be submitted to the Secretary of State.

Don Kuzina asked the audience how groups feel about the proposed legislation?

Marc Rosen, of the West Side Benevolent Society, stated that he felt most groups in his area do not know about the legislation so there has been no discussion. John Galvin, of the Colorado Elks Association, stated he was at a UVC meeting yesterday and they said they do not like the new bill. Chairman Gincig said he spoke to a representative of the UVC and he was told they would not oppose the Bill.

Nick Pizzuti said at a games manager’s training, when the investigator brought up the bill and what it would do, the people at the training were opposed to it. David Esses said he put information about the bill under each of his group’s lockers, and no one has commented either way on it.

Chairman Gencig next spoke about “National Bingo Night” on May 18th, 8:00 PM on Channel 7. He thinks it would help advertise bingo and he, with others, will be advertising during the program.

Chairman Gincig next discussed the need for a “Veterans” position to be filled on the Board. Mr. Esses said he has spoken to a couple of people who may apply. It was also discussed that Nick Pizzuti’s position on the Board is up in July, and Chairman Gincig asked that Mr. Amen apply for the position which would fill the “Fraternal” position on the Board. Mr. Pizzuti said that this could be a conflict of interest in that Mr. Amen is both a supplier and representative of a fraternal group. Mr. Amen stated he did have a passive interest in a supplier business. Mr. Johnson asked the chairman if the Board could also put the word out that the “Registered Elector” position on the Board still needs to be filled. Mr. Shea stated that this individual should be someone not involved at all with bingo.

Chairman Gincig brought up that the Bingo/Raffles section of the Secretary of State is going through a Sunset Review, and this will go through in 2008. Bob Holden from the Department of Regulatory Agencies spoke about the Review. He said it is the Legislature’s way of reviewing state boards and/or agencies and determining whether or not they should continue, and if they do, what changes should be made. It is also a way for the board/agency to make changes in legislation, policy, etc. In 2008 the report he recommends will be brought to the Legislature and this would be the time to present any other changes the board/agency would like to make. The report will not be released until October 18, 2007.

Chairman Gincig announced the next Board meeting will be June 6, 2007.

Mr. Kuzina moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Esses and approved by the Board.

Meeting adjourned at 10:50 A.M.