Colorado Bingo-Raffle Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting details

Date: January 25, 2006

Location: Secretary of State’s Office, Blue Spruce Conference Room, 1700 Broadway, Denver, Colorado

Members Present: Delbert Lennie, Austin Gomes, Don Kuzina, David Esses, Nick Pizzuti

Members Absent: Jerry Gooding, Daniel Toussaint

Secretary of State Officials Present: Mike Shea, Rudy Johnson, Patrick Ryan, Shannon Bee

Meeting was called to order at 10:09 A.M.

The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted.

Secretary of State report

Mike Shea stated that the office had nothing new to report and we were available at the meeting for questions put forth on the proposed bill.

Chairman Lennie asked if it was the same bill from last year. Mr. Shea responded that it is essentially the same bill with a few minor adjustments.

Mr. Pizzuti had a question as to why the change to the current law contained in the bill regarding the maximum number of cards played on an electronic aid devices? The present bill states the limit would be established by the Secretary of State’s office, but cannot be less than 36 cards, where before the maximum number of cards that could be played was no more than 36 cards. Corky Kyle said this was put in to be able to increase the number of cards through rule-making instead of through statutory change.

Chairman Lennie wanted to know why in the new bill it states complaints made to our office concerning bingo will not be sent to the Advisory Board? Mr. Johnson stated our office does not get some complaints, or they are anonymous, because these people know the Board will see their names. Mr. Johnson pointed out that the Board will still be informed about complaints in the summaries we provide, even with the change in the law.

Open forum

Julia Eddy, of Catholic Media Groups, stated she likes the bill and that the things the bill does for bingo need to happen. Bishop Dan Gincig agreed with this outlook.

Mr. Kyle stated that the bill is an integral piece of legislation and it needs to go forward.

Mr. Shea commented that he had spoken with Mr. Pizzuti earlier and they had discussed that it is incumbent on the licensees to speak to the legislature concerning where the charitable money is going and why the bill is necessary. The licensees are the ones who will influence the legislature. Hearing from the Secretary of State’s office about what licensees want does not influence them that much.

John Amen stated he supported the bill and it is needed, but he does not know if it will be enough.

Mr. Pizzuti made a motion that the Board does accept and support the bill. The motion was seconded and a role call vote was taken as follows:

Mr. Gomes: Yes
Mr. Pizzuti: Yes
Mr. Esses: Yes
Mr. Kuzina: Yes
Chairman Lennie: Yes

The motion was passed by a unanimous vote of the Board.

Mr. Amen wanted to talk about the statewide smoking ban and how it would effect the Bingo/Raffles industry. Mr. Pizzuti said this bill has a lot of caveats. Places open to the public are to be non-smoking. Since the Elks lodges are not open to the public usually, they could have smoking unless the bill was written to where smoking could be a hazard to employees, then it would be banned in the lodges, also. If the Elks lodges opened to public bingo or raffles, they would fall under the smoking ban. Mr. Pizzuti felt that the conduct of workers and the presentation of the game, as well as the appearance of the hall had a lot more to do with attendance at bingo than the smoking/non-smoking issue. If there is a statewide ban on smoking, there would probably be an initial drop in attendance, but this will usually come back. Mr. Pizzuti stated he did not see a way to overcome this issue. Mr. Kyle stated that the gambling areas have gotten a statewide exemption on the ban. He could try to get the same exemption for Bingo/Raffles.

Comments from the Board

Mr. Pizzuti made a motion to keep the present officers on the Board until July. The motion was seconded by Mr. Gomes and approved by unanimous vote of the Board.

Meeting adjourned at 10:49 A.M.

Important reminder

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 10, 2006 at 10:00 A.M.

The meeting will be held at the Secretary of State’s Office, Columbine Conference Room. The address is 1700 Broadway, in Denver.