eFiling Instructions

Colorado Register publishing calendar

Non-rulemaking public notice

File a non-rulemaking public notice

  1. Log in to the Secretary of State's eFiling system.
  2. From the Agency Rulemaking Home page, click "Non-rulemaking public notices".
  3. Click "submit new notice"
  4. Enter a title for the notice.  This will be displayed as a link to the notice in the Colorado Register.
  5. Choose a register publication date. You can choose to have the notice publish in any of the next four issues of the Colorado Register.
  6. Click "Browse" to attach and upload the notice as a PDF.
  7. Provide contact information. The contact information will not publish in the Register.
  8. Click "Submit".

The new notice will appear in a table on your Non-rulemaking Public Notices page until it publishes in the Register.

Update a non-rulemaking public notice

  1. From the Agency Rulemaking Home page, click "Non-rulemaking public notices".
  2. Any existing notices will display in a table.
  3. To update an existing notice, click its title.
  4. Update any field as needed. Attaching a new notice PDF will overwrite the existing file.

Click "Submit" to save the changes.

Delete a non-rulemaking public notice

  1. From the Agency Rulemaking Home page, click "Non-rulemaking public notices".
  2. Any existing notices will display in a table.
  3. Click "delete" next to the notice you want to delete.
  4. If you are sure you want to delete the notice, click "Yes, Delete".