eFiling Instructions

Colorado Register publishing calendar

Correction filing

Use this process to file nonsubstantive corrections, such as typographical or transcription errors, or to correct statutory citations. Consult with your AAG before beginning this process: he/she can tell you whether the change requires a rulemaking hearing or if the error is nonsubstantive.

  1. Log in to the Secretary of State’s eFiling system
  2. Click on "Corrections".
  3. Click on "Request an AG correction letter".
  4. Choose the Colorado Code of Regulations number in the drop-down list. The title will automatically be filled in.
  5. Attach a file containing the corrected text. You only need to file the paragraphs that have corrections. Explain what is being corrected.
  6. In the "Comments" field, enter the tracking number of the rulemaking that needs to be corrected, if it is available.
  7. Enter your contact information.
  8. Click on "Submit".
  9. Save or print the confirmation screen and keep it as proof of your filing. If a confirmation page does not appear, your filing was not completed. You can resubmit the filing, or call our office if you need help.

The system will send an email to the Attorney General’s Office that will alert them to your filing. After the AG Letter is uploaded, a notice will be emailed to you. You can then complete your rulemaking by eFiling your correction with the Secretary of State and the Office of Legislative Legal Services.

Correction filings do not publish in the Colorado Register, but are viewable by the public in the eDocket.

File a correction with the SOS and OLLS

  1. Log in to the Secretary of State’s eFiling system
  2. Click on "Corrections".
  3. Click on "File a correction with SOS and OLLS".
  4. Enter the tracking number and click "Go".
  5. You can view your correction document or the Attorney General correction letter by clicking on the Attorney General Letter Correction Document Path.
  6. Review the information on the form. Make sure that all of the information entered is correct. If you see any problems, call us for help.
  7. Enter a "Correction effective date”.  If you are correcting an adopted rule not yet in effect, match the effective date of the adopted rule. If not, enter the filing date or a future date.
  8. Click on "File a Correction".
  9. Save or print the confirmation screen and keep it as proof of your filing. If a confirmation page does not appear, your filing was not completed.  You can resubmit the filing, or call our office if you need help