eFiling Instructions

Colorado Register publishing calendar

Departmental regulatory agenda

Note: Each department must file one departmental regulatory agenda annually pursuant to section 2-7-203 C.R.S.  Agendas are published in the November 10 issue of the Colorado Register.

File a departmental regulatory agenda

  1. Log in to the Secretary of State's eFiling system.
  2. From the Agency Rulemaking Home page, click “Departmental Regulatory Agenda”.  This link will be available each year from October 1 through November 1.
  3. Click "Browse" to attach and upload the notice as a PDF.
  4. Click “Submit”.
  5. Save or print the confirmation screen and keep it as proof of your filing. If a confirmation page does not appear, your filing is not complete. You can resubmit the filing, or call our office if you need help.

Update a departmental regulatory agenda

  1. Log in to the Secretary of State's eFiling system.
  2. Click "Browse" to attach and upload the notice as a PDF. This will replace the existing PDF.
  3. Click “Submit”.
  4. Save or print the confirmation screen and keep it as proof of your filing. If a confirmation page does not appear, your filing is not complete. You can resubmit the filing, or call our office if you need help.