Meeting Notice

Notice of meeting (PDF)

Business Intelligence Center Board
Notice date: June 3, 2021
Meeting date and time: June 7, 2021, 11:00 AM

Business Intelligence Center Board meeting notice

What: The Secretary of State’s office is hosting a videoconference meeting of the Business Intelligence Center Board.

Where: Zoom meeting

When: 11:00 AM on Monday, June 7, 2021

Additional information

Agenda (PDF)

1. Welcome and thanks from Secretary
2. Board member introductions
3. Roles and responsibilities for board members
4. Selection of Vice-Chair
5. Orientation on BIC program
a. History
b. Current activities
6. Open discussion from board members
7. Schedule workshop session on Go Code Challenge
8. Adjourn

The public may watch the Board’s meeting online.

Public comments for the Business Intelligence Center Board are accepted in writing or by email. Please email or 1700 Broadway, Suite 550, Denver, CO, 80290.

Office contact

If you have any questions regarding the advisory board, please contact our office via email at or 1700 Broadway, Suite 550, Denver, CO 80290.