Cumulative Disclosure Statement

Angelique Renee Espinoza
Disclosure Entry - Cumulative Disclosure Statement
Summary Report - Due By 07/15/2024
Date Filed: 07/15/2024  

This report represents the gross income received for lobbying and payments made to subcontracted lobbyist for this registration period.

Month   Gross Income   Subcontractor
  Net Income

July   300.00   0.00   300.00
August   80.00   0.00   80.00
September   320.00   0.00   320.00
October   730.00   0.00   730.00
November   750.00   0.00   750.00
December   675.00   0.00   675.00
January   1,100.00   0.00   1,100.00
February   1,500.00   0.00   1,500.00
March   1,882.00   0.00   1,882.00
April   2,200.00   0.00   2,200.00
May   960.00   0.00   960.00
June   0.00   0.00   0.00

Gross Income:
$10,497.00 Subcontractor
Total Payments:
$0.00 Total Net Income: $10,497.00