
 Colorado Revised Statutes



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Code of Colorado Regulations eDocket
Official Publication of the State Administrative Rules (24-4-103(11) C.R.S.)

Details of Tracking Number   2024-00621

CCR details

Tracking Number 2024-00621
Type of Filing Permanent Rule
Department 1505 Department of State
Agency 1505 Secretary of State
CCR Number 8 CCR 1505-9

Proposed rule

Notice Filed with SOS 12/13/2024
Rule ProposedRuleAttach2024-00621.pdf
Additional Information AddInfoAttach2024-00621.pdf
Statutory Authority Sections 1-4-905.5(3), 1-40-135(3)(a), 1-45-111.5, 6-16-111(6)(b), 24-4-104, 24-4-105(3), 24-6-305, 24-21-108, and 24-21-523(3), C.R.S.
Description of Subjects/Issues The Department is considering amendments to Rule 3.6.1 in the general policies and administration rules. Additional regulations may be amended as a result of this rulemaking and are opened in response to a request from the Office of Legislative Legal Services. This includes rules concerning elections, campaign and political finance, the Colorado Charitable Solicitations Act, lobbyist regulation, and notary program. These proposed amendments are to ensure uniform and proper administration, implementation, and enforcement of Colorado laws. Additional proposed rule revisions may be necessary to: eliminate obsolete provisions, organize existing rules for clarity; simplify the language of existing rules; and ensure consistency with Department rulemaking standards. The Department may consider additional rule amendments. Please see the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking including a Draft Statement of Basis and Preliminary Draft Rules for more details.
Submitted in response to issues raised by COLS/OLLS?
Is this rule adopted in response to recent legislation?
Hearing Date 01/14/2025
Hearing Time 09:00 AM
Hearing Location In-person and online. In person location: 1700 Broadway Denver, CO 80290. Online location: via a Zoom link in the rulemaking notice and on the Departm
Contact Name Shannon Kenney
Contact Title Legislative and Rulemaking Policy Analyst
Contact Telephone 303.894.2200 x6124
Contact email SOS.Rulemaking@coloradosos.gov

Adopted rule

Adopted Rules
AGO requested date

Termination information

Date 02/26/2025
Reason After discussions with the Office of Legislative Legal Services and the Rules Program Administrator at the Secretary of State’s Office, the Department has determined that the proposed amendments to the following regulations are no longer needed: 8 CCR 1505-1, 1505-6, 1505-8, 1505-9, and 1505-11. The amendments to 8 CCR 1505-3 were permanently adopted under SOS Tracking # 2024-00617.
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