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Code of Colorado Regulations eDocket
Official Publication of the State Administrative Rules (24-4-103(11) C.R.S.)

Details of Tracking Number   2024-00131

CCR details

Tracking Number 2024-00131
Type of Filing Permanent Rule
Department 1505 Department of State
Agency 1505 Secretary of State
CCR Number 8 CCR 1505-1

Proposed rule

Notice Filed with SOS 03/15/2024
Rule ProposedRuleAttach2024-00131.pdf
Additional Information AddInfoAttach2024-00131.pdf
Statutory Authority Senate Bill 23-276. Sections 1-1-107(2)(a), 1-1-110(1), 1-1.5-104(1)(e), 1-5-505.5(1)(a), 1-7.5-104, 1-7.5-105(3), 1-7.5-106(2), 1-7.5-107(1), and 1-7.5-107.3(5.5), C.R.S.
Description of Subjects/Issues The Department proposes permanent rule revisions necessary to: implement Senate Bill 23-276, which concerned modifications to laws regarding elections, and specifically, which require the Department to implement rules which determine which election costs borne by counties are necessary and reasonable and thus reimbursable. Also, the Department proposes permanent rule revisions necessary to eliminate holes in ballot return envelopes by the November 2024 general election and develop quality control processes to ensure voter anonymity when returning a ballot (also adopted on a temporary basis with SOS Tracking #2024-00018). The Department may consider additional rule amendments as a result of the public comment and hearing process. Please see attached Notice of Proposed Rulemaking including a Draft Statement of Basis.
Purpose/Objective of Rule The Department has adopted permanent rule revisions necessary to: implement Senate Bill 23-276, which concerned modifications to laws regarding elections, and specifically, which require the Department to implement rules which determine which election costs borne by counties are necessary and reasonable and thus reimbursable. Also, the Department adopts permanent rule revisions necessary to eliminate holes in ballot return envelopes by the November 2024 general election and develop quality control processes to ensure voter anonymity when returning a ballot (also re-adopted on a temporary basis with SOS Tracking #2024-00225). Please see attached Notice of Adoption including a Statement of Basis.
Basis And Purpose BasisAndPurposeAttachment2024-00131.pdf
Comments The hearing was conducted in person and online. To listen to the hearing’s recording, please use the following link: https://csos.granicus.com/player/clip/448?view_id=1&redirect=true.
Submitted in response to issues raised by COLS/OLLS? No
Is this rule adopted in response to recent legislation? Yes
Recent legislation bill number Senate Bill 23-276
Hearing Date 04/15/2024
Hearing Time 09:00 AM
Hearing Location Please see the Additional Information section for details.
Contact Name Shannon Kenney
Contact Title Rulemaking and Legislative Policy Analyst
Contact Telephone 303.894.2200 x6124
Contact email SoS.Rulemaking@coloradosos.gov

Adopted rule

Adopted Rules AdoptedRules02024-00131.docx
Redline Redline2024-00131.docx
Adopted Date 05/09/2024
AGO requested date 05/09/2024
Attorney General Opinion 05/28/2024
Colorado Register publication date 06/10/2024
Effective Date 07/01/2024
Inserted into CCR 07/01/2024
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