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Code of Colorado Regulations eDocket
Official Publication of the State Administrative Rules (24-4-103(11) C.R.S.)

Details of Tracking Number   2021-00658

CCR details

Tracking Number 2021-00658
Type of Filing Emergency
Department 500,1008,2500 Department of Human Services
Agency 2509 Social Services Rules (Volume 7; Child Welfare, Child Care Facilities)
CCR Number 12 CCR 2509-5

Proposed rule

Additional Information
Statutory Authority 26-6-106(1)(a), C.R.S. (2020), 27-60-113(3), C.R.S. (2021),
Purpose/Objective of Rule The proposed rule changes and additions in Resources, Reimbursement, Reporting, and Provider Requirements support legislation passed in the Spring of 2021. SB21-137 declared that CDHS should provide resources to providers to address the emergency need for increased placement for children and youth with acute and severe behavioral or mental health needs. The legislation requires CDHS to develop a program to provide emergency resources to licensed providers to help remove barriers such providers face in serving children and youth whose behavioral or mental health needs require services and treatment in a residential child care facility. As a result, CDHS will contract with two residential providers, a qualified residential treatment program (QRTP) and a psychiatric residential treatment facility (PRTF), for 17 acute residential (AR) beds. Similar to the rules promulgated to guide county departments on placement in the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Residential Child Care Facility (IDD RCCF), rules will need to be established for eligibility criteria, referral procedures, admissions, and discharges for counties that desire to utilize the AR beds.
Basis And Purpose BasisAndPurposeAttachment2021-00658.docx
Regulatory analysis RegulatoryAnalysisAttachment2021-00658.docx
Comments CDHS typically holds 2 public hearings, an initial and final, for each proposed rule. The initial hearing allowing the public an opportunity to submit written data, views, or arguments and to testify for or against the proposed rules. The Board does not vote on the proposed rule at the initial hearing, but asks CDHS to consider all public comment and discussion and, if needed, submit revisions to the proposed rule. The final hearing, usually the month following the initial hearing, allows the same opportunity for public comment, after which the Board votes on final adoption of the proposed rule. Emergency rules (ER) are adopted immediately, and are permanently adopted at a second hearing, usually the month after the initial hearing. This hearing adopted an ER which is anticipated to be adopted on a permanent basis through SOS2021-00636 at the 11/5/2021 SBHS meeting. Please check here for any updates on location/connection: https://cdhs.colorado.gov/sbhs
Submitted in response to issues raised by COLS/OLLS? No
Is this rule adopted in response to recent legislation? Yes
Recent legislation bill number SB21-137
Contact Name Shawn Bross
Contact Title IDD RCCF Administrator
Contact Telephone 720.660.0381
Contact email shawn.bross@state.co.us

Adopted rule

Adopted Rules AdoptedRules02021-00658.docx
Redline Redline2021-00658.docx
Emergency Justification EmergencyJustificationPathAttach2021-00658.docx
Adopted Date 10/08/2021
Emergency AGO requested date 10/13/2021
Attorney General Opinion 10/20/2021
Colorado Register publication date 11/10/2021
Effective Date 11/01/2021
Inserted into CCR 10/29/2021
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