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Code of Colorado Regulations eDocket
Official Publication of the State Administrative Rules (24-4-103(11) C.R.S.)

Details of Tracking Number   2009-01093

CCR details

Tracking Number 2009-01093
Type of Filing Permanent Rule
Department 700 Department of Regulatory Agencies
Agency 723 Public Utilities Commission
CCR Number 4 CCR 723-5

Proposed rule

Notice Filed with SOS 11/24/2009
Rule ProposedRuleAttach2009-01093.DOC
Additional Information AddInfoAttach2009-01093.DOC
Statutory Authority Sections 40-2-108, 40-3-102, 40-3-103, 40-3-104.4, 40-4-101, 40-4-108, 40-4-109, 40-7-113.5, and 40-7-116.5, C.R.S.
Description of Subjects/Issues to add rules regarding fining of water and combined water and sewer utilities
Purpose/Objective of Rule to make changes to the Commission?s rules necessitated by the passage of House Bill 08-1227; to revise the current water rules to add rules regarding fining of water and combined water and sewer utilities. New rules have been added to establish the fining process and to list the finable rules.
Basis And Purpose BasisandPurposeAttachment2009-01093.PDF
Comments Rules are final 07/27/2010 after revision of adopted rules on appeal. Rules adopted by Decision R10-0359 are revised on appeal by Decision No. 0699.
Submitted in response to issues raised by COLS/OLLS? No
Is this rule adopted in response to recent legislation?
Hearing Date 02/04/2010
Hearing Time 09:00 AM
Hearing Location Colorado Public Utilities Commission Hearing Room, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO
Contact Name Pamela Fischhaber
Contact Title Section Chief, Water
Contact Telephone 303-894-2529
Contact email Pamela.Fischhaber@dora.state.co.us

Adopted rule

Adopted Rules AdoptedRules02009-01093.DOC
Redline Redline2009-01093.DOC
Adopted Date 07/27/2010
AGO requested date 08/04/2010
Attorney General Opinion 08/10/2010
Effective Date 09/14/2010
Inserted into CCR 09/13/2010
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